The Oneness Blessing, through Grace, is a direct transfer of intelligent sacred energy which causes the heart to open, heals relationships, calms the mind, transforms to higher states of Consciousness and initiates a process of Awakening into Oneness where there is no longer a sense of separateness. All that remains is the awareness of reality as it is — the joy of being fully present in the moment. Whatever path of spiritual awakening you are on will be supported. This gift is for all of us, no matter our belief systems.

透过静心、呼吸、内观内省、觉察、古老的静心技巧、肢体的活动、Deeksha (合一祝福)、合一的教导等,让知识、讯息进入个人的体验,使所有的教导都能成为你真实的经验,使你在短时间内提升与蛻变,感受到爱与合一的存在。

Oneness is a phenomenon, not affiliated with any religious or spiritual belief.


“Deeksha” in Sanskrit means benediction. Deeksha Oneness Blessing has been brought to the world at this time of transformation through Divine Grace and is being given to humanity by the twin avatars of enlightenment Sri Bhagavan and Sri Amma out of the Oneness University in India as a catalyst for the awakening of human consciousness.

It is not something that can really be put into words. It has to be experienced.

17 April 2013

Science of Awakening 觉醒的科学

Oneness in many regards has a highly scientific approach, quite evident in many of Sri Amma Bhagavan’s teachings and this actually comes as a relief to the many Oneness followers ranging from the younger generation and the intellectual/elite classes, who abhor blind belief and unscientific philosophy at all levels.


Scientific evidence shows how The Oneness Blessing creates a neurobiological change believed to be necessary to hold higher states of consciousness on a permanent basis. There are 16 centres in the brain responsible for definitive experiences like sensory perception, emotions of jealousy, hatred, fear, compassion, love, joy, separation, connectedness, creativity, learning, etc.

Oneness results in the activation of certain centres (Frontal Lobes) and the de-activation of other centres (Parietal Lobes) bringing about a shift in the perception and experience of life, and ultimately brings us to a permanent, incredible state of higher consciousness.

The Oneness Deeksha Blessing has varied forms. The transfer can be by touch, transfer through the eyes or transfer through an intent, including distance transfers of energy (remotely).  A unique feature about this phenomenon is that the Blessing Giver also receives the Blessing.

When we receive the Oneness Blessing we are a beneficiary of divine grace, as the spiritual process accelerates, energy is transferred and access to the Truth of our own being is achieved much more quickly and effortlessly.

The central understanding of Oneness is that inner transformation and awakening into higher states of consciousness is not an outcome of a mere intellectual understanding but a neurobiological process in the brain, whereby one’s experience of life is redefined at its core. This is achieved by Oneness Deeksha, which is a process of transfer of divine grace that initiates a journey into higher states of consciousness. The Deeksha is believed to affect the different lobes of the physical brain, thereby reducing stress levels and intensifying the levels of love, joy and awareness. Millions across the globe testify the calming and awakening effects of the Oneness Deeksha, which is now slowly gaining recognition as by far the easiest and most effective approach to enriching human consciousness.


What is the Oneness Blessing?
The Oneness Blessing is a transfer of divine, intelligent energy.
The oneness blessing process works by creating a neurobiological shift in the brain and awakening the energy centres (Chakras) in the body. This shift in consciousness frees you from the suffering created by the mind, balances the body’s natural healthy and healing energies and attunes the brain with the fields of unity, bringing an end to the illusion of “apparent separation”. Once initiated, it is a gradual Awakening process that leads you naturally to a lasting state of Oneness, Inner peace, and Well-being.

What is the neurobiological shift?
The onenesss blessing balances energy from (overactive) thinking centres of the brain to the (underactive) frontal lobe calming centres. This ‘re-wiring’ of the brain enables the senses to become free from the interference of the mind. When the senses are unclouded by the mind’s interpretations, a natural clarity of perception occurs with accompanying feelings of joy, inner peace, connection and Oneness.

Links to various scientific studies 各种科学研究连接 :

New Brain, New World by Erik Hoffman @

more content on scientific studies coming up soon!