17 April 2013

Oneness Blessing 合一祝福

Most Oneness activities in Singapore are posted in our facebook here:
大部分新加坡的合一活动都会公布在我们的 facebook 里:
Please refer to the following Facebook Events or Meetup Groups in Singapore for Oneness Blessing activities:
请查询我们的 Facebook Events 和以下各 Meetup 网站有关在新加坡的合一祝福活动:

More information on Oneness Blessing:

Websites for receiving online Oneness Blessing:

(This video was published a few months just before Oneness University (OU) and One World Academy (OWA) merged to become O&O Academy):

Preethaji, co-founder of O&O Academy, on TEDx Talk 2017/8/18:
O&O學院創辦人 Preetha ji 於2017/8/18在 TEDxKC演講:

Soul Sync Meditation 灵魂同步静心

Soul Sync Meditation 灵魂同步静心(又名力量静心)
(for practice alone or in group 单独一人或集体静心)

Enter Your Sacred Space
The Soul Sync
A powerful daily Meditation to Manifest your Heartfelt Intentions

Preethaji- Co-Founder of O&O Academy, has created this simple meditation practice to help us awaken to a beautiful inner state, expand our consciousness & manifest our intentions.

The Soul Sync Meditation is more than a meditation. It is entering a sacred space within.

This meditation practice leads you into an expansive state of consciousness, where intentions become actualities. Heart-felt desires are fulfilled. Life converges into synchronicities manifesting an abundance of love, wealth, creativity and well-being of every kind.

Practised every day, it lifts you off the gravity of life's burdens and leads you into a state of harmonious flow.

The Great Soul Sync Meditation is created  with the intent to:
– Help you move into a beautiful state of being and;
– To manifest your intentions (create synchronicities in your life).

O&O學院創辦人Preetha ji帶來不可思議的靈性禮物。透過Preethaji的指導,你若練習這些靜心,將體驗到在稠密生活裡的寧靜和在最具挑戰的時光裡的魔法。




Soul Sync has 6 stages:

Stage 1: Eight cycles of conscious breathing. (One cycle means one in-breath and one out-breath)
Sit in a comfortable position, with your spine erect.
Place your hands on your thighs with your palms facing skywards.
Gently touch the tip of your index finger and the tip of your thumb together for the first cycle of breath. On each exhalation, move your thumb to the next finger (so for the second breath you touch the tip of your thumb and the tip of your middle finger together, for the third exhalation touch the thumb and the ring finger, on the fourth exhalation touch the thumb and the little finger – on the fifth exhalation you start over touching the thumb and the index finger again and then continue to touch each fingertip until you have done 8 cycles of breathing)
When you breathe out, let your exhalation be longer than the inhalation. Ideally the exhalation should be twice as long as the inhalation, but do not force yourself to achieve a perfect breathing. Stay with your awareness on your breathing and relax into the experience.

Stage 2: Again there will be 8 cycles of breathing as in the previous step. You keep count on the cycles by moving your thumb between each finger’s tip just as you did in step 1.
But in this step you will make a humming sound on each exhalation. You keep your lips closed and hum like a bee when you exhale (mmmmmmmm…….). Your hum should be strong enough to cause a slight vibration in your head. Stay with your awareness on the sound and vibration.

Stage 3: Again there will be 8 cycles of breathing as in the previous step. However in this stage you will observe the tiny pause that occurs between the in-breath and out-breath. After inhalation, observe the very minute pause before the exhalation begins. Don’t try to force this pause by holding your breath. Just let the breathing be natural and see if you can observe this tiny pause 8 times.

Stage 4: Again 8 cycles of breathing. On each exhalation you will internally chant “A-HAM” (or “I AM”, “A-HAM” is the sanskrit word for “I AM”). You don’t need to say it out loud, just chant inwardly.
When you chant “A-HAM” it means “I AM this limitless consciousness”. You are not the limited self. You are the limitless field of consciousness. With this understanding, you will chant “A-HAM” 8 times.

Stage 5: You do not need to keep count of your breaths from now on. Just keep the tip of your thumb and the tip of your index finger together and feel that you are dissolving into the limitless field of energy. See and/or feel that you are expanding and becoming vast. There are no limits as you dissolve into the field of consciousness.

Stage 6: Hold one intention. The intention is either to fulfill any one of your desires or the solution of any one problem you may have.
When you hold the intention for fulfillment of a desire, you see the outcome of your desire. You don’t see the unfulfilled situation, only the fulfilled condition.
If you hold an intention to solve a certain problem, then you see the transformed situation. Not the problematic situation, but the solved situation.
As you see the fulfilled condition or the solved situation, feel the joy inside.

Whenever you are ready you may open your eyes.

Soul Sync (English version):
(guided by Preethaji, co-founder of O&O Academy)



4.吐氣同时唱誦在心裡面“Aham…” (“啊汉”)8次。手指尖計數。(“Aham”:如是我)




more info on Soul Sync Meditation 灵魂同步静心:

Gratitude Meditation 感恩静心

Gratitude Meditation 感恩静心
(for practice alone or in group 单独一人或集体静心)

Gratitude is the highest expression of emotion in humans as it signifies the evolution of one's consciousness ... Sri Bhagavan.

Welcome to the beautiful state of gratitude. What is gratitude? Why gratitude? How do you awaken to it?

Gratitude is certainly not an attitude alone. For when it limits itself to an attitude, it is shallow and a mere cosmetic. Gratitude is a state of consciousness in which you celebrate life.

Without gratitude life is meaningless and lonely. You feel poor in the midst of plenty. And in my experience gratitude is the easiest way to arrive at love. As you nurture gratitude, you feel a deeper sense of connection with people and life itself.

You awaken to gratitude when you see the interconnection of life. If we can reflect on our life, our learning, our comfort and our joy we can see that every one of these beautiful experiences has been made possible by the efforts and the love of so many people who care for us and also by people whom we will never know and never meet. Without them we are not. No experience in our life is independent of the other. There is not a moment, not a thing that we could say has been created by us alone. And we certainly have not created ourselves. Nor have we risen to greatness because of our efforts alone.

In realizing the interconnection of our existence gratitude moves beyond our lips, beyond our conditioned minds to a space so deep in our consciousness, that every moment spent in this awareness transforms you.

1. Please sit in a comfortable position. Hold a soft smile on your face like a baby that smiles in its sleep. Breathe in slow and deep. Feel a gradual softening as your breath becomes slower and longer.
2. Hold in your consciousness any one person who has lovingly nurtured you in your childhood. It could be a parent, a member of family, a neighbour or even a pet. Thank that person or that being for the nourishment you have received. Thank them for being a part of your life. Wish for their well being.
3. In your consciousness hold any one person who has inspired you to being a better human being or has inspired you on to the path of greater wisdom and love. Thank them for being a part of your life. Wish for their well being.
4.Hold within you one person who made you feel wanted and loved. Thank that person for being in your life. wish for their well being.
5. Hold in your consciousness one person who is contributing to your prosperity and growth. Thank that person for being in your life. wish for their well being.
6. Feel mother earth. Feel her in your heart. Thank her for sustaining and upholding your existence.
In this state connect to the Presence, the source or the universe. Feel connected to the eternal flow of life of which we are all a part.

You may slowly open your eyes whenever you are ready.

This is a season for gratitude. Please take a few moments and write a letter to any one person today about how much they have impacted you and made your life more beautiful by their presence. If you choose to, you may show them your thankfulness through an act of love or kindness. If they are not alive to receive your thanks, pay it forward to someone else.

Have a beautiful day and a beautiful life.
Thank you

Gratitude Meditation (English version):

(guided by Preethaji, co-founder of O&O Academy)

Preethaji 帶領 / Teresa翻譯 /phoebe協助

歡迎來到美麗的狀態——感恩。何謂感恩? 為何感恩? 你要如何覺醒於感恩?
















more info on Gratitude Meditation 感恩静心:

Ananda Mandala Meditation 喜悦曼陀罗静心

Ananda Mandala Meditation - awaken Kundalini energy through breathing and chakras
(for practice in group 集体静心)
This powerful sadhana was developed by the disciples of Sri AmmaBhagavan at the Oneness University in India. It combines rhythmic breathing with successive meditations on each of the chakras.

Ananda Mandala is a very powerful spiritual practice to awaken the spiritual energy (kundalini). This practice involves a blend of rhythmic breathing and meditation on the chakras (energy centers), which helps cleanse the energy channels, activate the chakras and raise the levels of consciousness. This meditation is an ideal form of preparation for receiving the Oneness Blessing and is practiced by friends and followers of Oneness worldwide.

Ananda Mandala meditation able to help the individuals to increase their awareness and with subsequent Oneness Blessing received, able to deepen their state of oneness and bring them into higher consciousness. The process will assist each individuals to heal themselves in different aspects of life and eventually to create a joyful and peaceful life.


以下网址连结 喜悦曼陀罗 中(英)文引导:
(Ananda Mandala with Mandarin instruction):
www.tudou.com/programs/view/hISDwJpD5S4 (点击)

**This Ananda Mandala meditation is not advised for people who have heart related conditions or anyone on medications or preganant women. This meditation shall not be practiced more than two times a week.

Chakra Dhyana 脉轮静心

The Oneness Chakra Meditation (Chakra Dhyana 脉轮静心)
(for practice alone or in group 单独一人或集体静心)

Chakras are energy centres in the pranic body or the energy body. The human organism comprises not merely the gross physical body but several other sheaths like the mind, karma, wisdom and bliss. These sheaths are what are referred to as koshas by the Indian seers. Among these sheaths is the sheath of prana or energy which comprises of the various chakras, nadis (energy channels). The latent spiritual energy, known as kundalini flows through these chakras and nadis, thereby making them vibrant. The flow of energy in this sheath affects all the other sheaths thereby resulting in a healthy body and mind, the result of which is bliss and peace.

These chakras and nadis get defiled due to wrong lifestyles and eating habits and also due to the burden of erroneous perceptions and negative karma. This disturbance affects an individual physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Negative thought patterns create negative situations in life. So, Chakra Dhyana is not merely a sadhana to activate the subtle dimensions but it also assists in creating a healthier mind which is imperative for a happy and healthy life.

7 main chakras in our body
mystical diagrams (symbol) of 7 chakras (Yantra) 脉轮符号 

(The Root Chakra)
4 petalled Lotus, red in colour. Kundalini, the golden serpent is coiled 3 ½ times around linga in the center.

Perinium (midway between the genitals and the anus)

Element: Earth

It is the base for awakening the kundalini – the life energy

Related organs: Kidneys & Bladder

Mudra: index fingertips touching the tip of each thumb
Mantra: Lang
Focus: Perineal region

(The Sacral Chakra)
6 petalled Lotus, orange in colour, with a blue crescent moon inside.

Genital region (tip of the spine bone)

Element: Water

Increase self control and sensitivity

Related organs: Uterus, Testis, Prostate and Large intestine

Mudra: index fingertips touching the tip of each thumb
Mantra: Vang
Focus: Genital region

(The Navel Chakra / Solar Plexus )
脐轮 /
10 petalled Lotus, bright yellow in colour, with a blazing fire (Jataragni) in the center.

At the Navel

Element: Fire

Awakens intensity and passion, essential for sound health and physical power.

Related organs: Stomach, Liver, Spleen and Small intestine.

Mudra: index fingertips touching the middle joint of each thumb
Mantra: Rang
Focus: Solar Plexus region (or Navel region)

(The Heart Chakra)
12 petalled Lotus, green in colour with a bright glowing Jyothi (Golden flame) in the center.

At the center of the chest

Element: Air

Centre of feeling.

Related organs: Heart

Mudra: index fingertips touching the middle joint of each thumb
Mantra: Yang
Focus: Heart

(The Throat Chakra)
16 petalled Lotus, dark blue in colour, with a blue crescent and a Jyothi (light) in it.

At the Epiglottis (Adam’s apple in the throat)

Element: Cosmos (Space)

Evokes surrender, Sacredness, opens up mystical dimension.

Related organs: Throat, Lungs.

Mudra: index fingertips touching the base of the thumb
Mantra: Hang
Focus: Throat

(The Third Eye  Chakra)
2 petalled Lotus, with the sun and moon on the right and left petals respectively with a blue ling in the middle. (Indigo)

At the Eyebrow center (Bhrumadhya)

Element: Cosmos (Space)

Centre where the solar and lunar energies synchronise, essential for the flowering of intelligence and awareness, increases memory and concentration.

Related organs: Eyes, (Areas of lower head and sinuses)

Mudra: index fingertips touching the base of the thumb
Mantra: Aum (A-A-A-O-O-M)
Focus: between eyebrows

(The Crown Chakra)

Thousand petalled Lotus, violet in colour with a bright golden Jyothirlinga in the center.

Crown of the Head

Element: Cosmos (Space)

Flowering of this chakra leads to a state of complete union with the Cosmic consciousness.

Related organs: Brain

Mudra: index fingertips touching the base of the thumb
Mantra: Ogum Satyam Om
Focus: Crown

Chakra Dhyana has there steps to it i.e., concentrating on the mystical diagrams of the chakras (Yantra), Uttering of mystical syllables to activate the chakras (Mantra) and the right seating posture (Asana). The placement of the fingers is also important.  The ideal mudra is to touch the base line of the thumb with the index finger and the ideal asana is Siddhasan. Sitting comfortably in Siddhasan and facing the fingers in the above mentioned mudra with palms facing skywards near the knees, one has to visualize the respective chakras with closed eyes and utter the bija mantra of that chakra. This chanting can be done for seven or nine times or eighteen times. Daily practice of Chakra Dhyana this way help activate the chakras. The activation of those chakras also have a physical counterpart i.e. various regions in the brain are simulated leading to a more holistic view towards life. The kundalini energy awakens and flows through these chakras energizes the physical body. Chakras activation is also supported through specific fragrance for each chakras. During meditation you could also light the Chakras incense Sticks, which will help in the awakening of Kundalini.

www.tudou.com/programs/view/yYTWz4JWukg (点击)
www.tudou.com/listplay/xDcKK54q1s8/kiJwM5C-Igs.html (点击)

respective Mantra (咒语) & mudra (手印) for each Chakras (脉轮)

Meditation Instructions:
Sit with your eyes closed, spine erect but not rigid
Rest your hands on your thighs with palms facing upwards,
index fingertips:
touching the tip of each thumb for the first two chakras,
touching the middle joint of each thumb for the third & fourth chakras
and the base of the thumb for the fifth, sixth & seventh chakras.
If you wish you may touch the tip of the tongue to the roof of your mouth.
Take several long, slow, easy deep breaths breathing through your nose, until your body becomes calm.
Sit during this meditation but do not lean or lie down.
As we come to each chakra, focus your attention on the indicated area of your body. With each exhale chant the mantra that is given in a slow, elongated fashion.
Begin with the root chakra (Mooladhara) and work upward to the Crown (Sahasrara).
At the end always allow the energy to ground, flowing down through your body, and spend a few minutes in meditation or lie on your back in shavasan.

1. Begin with the Mooladhara chakra, located at the perineum, midway between your anus and genitals.
Say "Om Mooladhara".
Visualize its red color. Slowly repeat "Lang" (pronounced lung) for a few minutes, typically 7 times (can also be 3, 5, 9, 11 or 21 times)
then visualize the chakra turning liquid gold (imagine a golden fluid flooding the chakra) as you say "OM" once, followed by "Kundalini, arohanum" 3 times typically.

2. The Swadhisthana chakra, located in the genital region or at the base of the spine.
Say "Om Swadhisthana".
Visualize its orange color. Say "Vang" (pronounced vung) for a few minutes, typically 7 times (can also be 3, 5, 9, 11 or 21 times)
then visualize the chakra turning liquid gold (imagine a golden fluid flooding the chakra) as you say "OM" once, followed by "Kundalini, arohanum" 3 times typically.

3. The Manipura chakra, located at the navel or the solar plexus
Say "Om Sri Mani Padme Hum".
Visualize its yellow color. Say "Rang" (pronounced rung) for a few minutes, typically 7 times (can also be 3, 5, 9, 11 or 21 times)
then visualize the chakra turning liquid gold (imagine a golden fluid flooding the chakra) as you say "OM" once, followed by "Kundalini, arohanum" 3 times typically.

4. The Anahata chakra, in the center of your chest, your spiritual heart.
Say "Om Anahata".
Visualize its green color. Say "Yang" (pronounced yung) for a few minutes, typically 7 times (can also be 3, 5, 9, 11 or 21 times)
then visualize the chakra turning liquid gold (imagine a golden fluid flooding the chakra) as you say "OM" once, followed by "Kundalini, arohanum" 3 times typically.

5. The Vishuddhi chakra, located in your throat, at the Adam's apple or the epiglottis.
Say "Om Vishuddhi".
Visualize its blue color. Say "Hang" (pronounced hung) for a few minutes, typically 7 times (can also be 3, 5, 9, 11 or 21 times)
then visualize the chakra turning liquid gold (imagine a golden fluid flooding the chakra) as you say "OM" once, followed by "Kundalini, arohanum" 3 times typically.

6. The Ajneya chakra, located between our eyebrows.
Say "Om Ajneya".
Visualize its indigo color. Say "AUM" in a 3-2-1 ratio. "A-A-A-O-O-M" for a few minutes, typically 7 times (can also be 3, 5, 9, 11 or 21 times)
then visualize the chakra turning liquid gold (imagine a golden fluid flooding the chakra) as you say "OM" once, followed by "Kundalini, arohanum" 3 times typically.

7. The Sahasrara chakra, located at the center of the top of your head.
Say "Om Sahasrara".
Visualize its violet color, pastel purple.
Say "Ogum Satyam Om" for a few minutes, typically 7 times (can also be 3, 5, 9, 11 or 21 times)
then visualize the chakra turning liquid gold (imagine a golden fluid flooding the chakra) as you say "OM" once, followed by "Kundalini, arohanum" 3 times typically (sometime 7 times because of the last chakra).

Lie Down in Shavasan

Lie down with your eyes closed immediately after the meditation, and relax for at least 10 or 20 minutes, or as long as you like. Yoga's Corpse Pose, Shavasan, is good for this (eyes closed, on your back with arms loosely to the sides, palms up, legs slightly apart). Let go. Enjoy. Notice the dynamics of the energy in your body as the kundalini flows.


Moola Mantra 根本真言

The Moola Mantra is a powerful universal invocation of the one Divine Presence in your heart, which might be very personal to you. Chant or play this mantra whenever you feel to connect, to convey gratitude or in moments when you require help or guidance from the Divine.
(See the meaning of Moola Mantra below, after those youtube video clips)

在合一分享會中,我們會教導幫助我們與神聖臨在連結的"根本真言"(Moola Mantra),這是一個非常強大的咒語,幫助我們快速並深刻的與內在的神(或更高意识,高我)連結。接著,會與大家分享合一創辦者教導關於祈禱的五大要點,幫助你心想事成,並生活在恩典中,充滿喜悅。

The "Oneness Moola Mantra" describes the whole process of the evolution in Consciousness from the trascendental utmost formless manifestation of the Divine, to the flowering of the heart "Paramatma", the abode of the Divine inside of us. This Awakening is the source of all Light, Truth, Love & Wisdom, who is our heavenly Father and our beloved Divine Mother ~ guiding us at every step of our life until we finally merge into Oneness.

Here are some examples of various versions of Moola Mantra performed by different singers:
"根本真言"(Moola Mantra)通过不同的歌手以不同的唱颂方式(包括印度式、唱颂瑜伽式、祈祷式、传统式、东方式、西方式、爵士式、舞曲、新世纪、摇滚、抒情、等等)唱出:
(various singing styles including Indian, mantra yoga, prayer, traditional, Eastern, Western, Jazz, New Age, Dancing, Rock, Sentimental, etc)

Typical version:

(奧斯卡獎得獎音樂家A R RAHMAN指揮,「七位成道者樂團」作曲、獻唱。)
(Led by A.R. Rahman, Oscar Academy Awards winner in Best Achievement in Music Written, 2009)

Prayer version by Deva Premal:

Sudha - Sharanam Chants of Devotion: Moola Prayer:

Bliss by Yogini a.k.a. Katarina Di Leva singing the Moola Mantra:

Sentimental version by Ingeborg:

New Age version by Deva Premal Moola Mantra Part I II III:

Gentle version by Noel Schajris:

Traditional version:

Moola Mantra by Pidele a Dios (La Oneness Band):

Moola Mantra In Western Music:

Moola Mantra Spanish style:

Moola Mantra by Bhakti Music:

Traditional Indian version of Moola Mantra:

Ananda Giri - Morning Praise (Dhyana Mantra):

Mantra version by Ananda Giri:


Sri Bhagavan Explains:-
1) The Meaning of the Moola Mantra.
2) Who is GOD?

The Meaning of the Moola Mantra.

The chanting goes like this: "Om Satchitananda Parabrahma Purushottama Paramatma Sri Bhagavati Sametha Sri Bhagavate Namaha". And these are the original words in Devanagari (Sanskrit letters): ॐ सत्चितानान्दा परब्रम्ह पुरषोत्तम परमात्मा श्री भगवती समेत श्री भगवते नमः

Om Sat-Chit-Ananda Parabrahma
Purushothama Paramatma
Sri Bhagavathi Sametha
Sri Bhagavathe Namaha

許多朋友在接觸Deeksha時會跟著Deeksha givers 一起唱誦 Moola Mantra

絕對的 最高意識

This Vedic Sanskirt chant was given to humanity through the Grace of Sri Bhagavan and Sri Amma. When you chant this Mantra, even without knowing the meaning of it, that itself carries power. But when you know the meaning and chant it with feeling in your heart then the energy will flow a million times more powerfully. It is therefore important to know the meaning of the Moola Mantra when you use it.

This Mantra is like calling a name. Just like when you call a person he comes and makes you feel his presence, in the same manner when you chant this mantra the Supreme Energy manifests everywhere around you. As the Universe is omnipresent, this Supreme Energy can manifest anywhere and any time. It is also very important to know that invocation of the Moola Mantra with deep humility, respect and with great necessity makes The Divine Presence stronger.

OM has got 100 different meanings. It is said, in the beginning was the Supreme word and the word created every thing. That word is OM. If you are meditating in silence deeply, you can hear the sound OM within. The whole of creation emerged from the sound OM. It is the primordial sound or the Universal sound by which the whole universe vibrates. OM also means inviting the higher energy. This divine sound has the power to create, sustain and destroy, giving life and movement to all that exist.

SAT means all penetrating existence that is formless, shapeless, omnipresent, attribute less, and quality less aspect of the Universe. It is the Unmanifest. It is experienced as emptiness of the Universe. We could say it is the body of the Universe that is static. Everything that has a form and that can be sensed, evolved out of this Un manifest. It is so subtle that it is beyond all perceptions. It can only be seen when it has become gross and has taken form. We are in the Universe and the Universe is in us. We are the effect and Universe is the cause and the cause manifests itself as the effect.

CHIT is the Pure Consciousness of the Universe that is infinite, omni-present manifesting power of the Universe. Out of this is evolved everything that we call Dynamic energy or force. It can manifest in any form or shape. It is the consciousness manifesting as motion, as gravitation, as magnetism, etc. It is also manifesting as the actions of the body, as thought force. It is the Supreme Spirit.

ANANDA means bliss, love and friendship nature of the Universe. When you experience either the Supreme Energy in this Creation (SAT) and become one with the Existence or experience the aspect of Pure Consciousness (CHIT), you enter into a state of Divine Bliss and eternal happiness (ANANDA). This is the primordial characteristic of the Universe, which is the greatest and most profound state of ecstasy that you can ever experience when you relate with your higher Consciousness.

PARABRAHMA is the Supreme Being in his Absolute aspect; one who is beyond space and time. It is the essence of the Universe that is with form and without form. It is the Supreme creator.

PURUSHOTHAMA has got different meanings. Purusha means soul and Uthama means the supreme; the Supreme spirit. It also means the supreme energy of force guiding us from the highest world. Purusha also means Man, and PURUSHOTHAMA is the energy that incarnates as an Avatar to help and guide Mankind and relate closely to the beloved Creation.

PARAMATMA means the supreme inner energy that is immanent in every creature and in all beings, living and non-living. It's the indweller or the Antaryamin who resides formless or in any form desired. It's the force that can come to you whenever you want and wherever you want to guide and help you.

SRI BHAGAVATI is the Feminine aspect, which is characterized as the Supreme Intelligence in action, the Power (The Shakti). It is referred to the Mother Earth (Divine Mother) aspect of the creation.

SAMETHA means together or in communion with.

SRI BHAGAVTE is the Masculine aspect of the Creation, which is unchangeable and permanent.

NAMAHA is salutations or prostrations to the Universe that is OM and also has the qualities of SAT-CHIT-ANANDA, that is omnipresent, unchangeable and changeable at the same time, the supreme spirit in a human form and formless, the indweller that can guide and help in the feminine and masculine forms with the supreme intelligence. I seek your presence and guidance all the time.

Science of Awakening 觉醒的科学

Oneness in many regards has a highly scientific approach, quite evident in many of Sri Amma Bhagavan’s teachings and this actually comes as a relief to the many Oneness followers ranging from the younger generation and the intellectual/elite classes, who abhor blind belief and unscientific philosophy at all levels.


Scientific evidence shows how The Oneness Blessing creates a neurobiological change believed to be necessary to hold higher states of consciousness on a permanent basis. There are 16 centres in the brain responsible for definitive experiences like sensory perception, emotions of jealousy, hatred, fear, compassion, love, joy, separation, connectedness, creativity, learning, etc.

Oneness results in the activation of certain centres (Frontal Lobes) and the de-activation of other centres (Parietal Lobes) bringing about a shift in the perception and experience of life, and ultimately brings us to a permanent, incredible state of higher consciousness.

The Oneness Deeksha Blessing has varied forms. The transfer can be by touch, transfer through the eyes or transfer through an intent, including distance transfers of energy (remotely).  A unique feature about this phenomenon is that the Blessing Giver also receives the Blessing.

When we receive the Oneness Blessing we are a beneficiary of divine grace, as the spiritual process accelerates, energy is transferred and access to the Truth of our own being is achieved much more quickly and effortlessly.

The central understanding of Oneness is that inner transformation and awakening into higher states of consciousness is not an outcome of a mere intellectual understanding but a neurobiological process in the brain, whereby one’s experience of life is redefined at its core. This is achieved by Oneness Deeksha, which is a process of transfer of divine grace that initiates a journey into higher states of consciousness. The Deeksha is believed to affect the different lobes of the physical brain, thereby reducing stress levels and intensifying the levels of love, joy and awareness. Millions across the globe testify the calming and awakening effects of the Oneness Deeksha, which is now slowly gaining recognition as by far the easiest and most effective approach to enriching human consciousness.


What is the Oneness Blessing?
The Oneness Blessing is a transfer of divine, intelligent energy.
The oneness blessing process works by creating a neurobiological shift in the brain and awakening the energy centres (Chakras) in the body. This shift in consciousness frees you from the suffering created by the mind, balances the body’s natural healthy and healing energies and attunes the brain with the fields of unity, bringing an end to the illusion of “apparent separation”. Once initiated, it is a gradual Awakening process that leads you naturally to a lasting state of Oneness, Inner peace, and Well-being.

What is the neurobiological shift?
The onenesss blessing balances energy from (overactive) thinking centres of the brain to the (underactive) frontal lobe calming centres. This ‘re-wiring’ of the brain enables the senses to become free from the interference of the mind. When the senses are unclouded by the mind’s interpretations, a natural clarity of perception occurs with accompanying feelings of joy, inner peace, connection and Oneness.

Links to various scientific studies 各种科学研究连接 :

New Brain, New World by Erik Hoffman @ amazon.com

more content on scientific studies coming up soon!

Liberation Sutra 解脱经

Sri Amma Bhagavan’s 《 Liberation Sutra 》
解脱经 • 巴关

Sri Amma Bhagavan’s vision has always been to liberate humanity totally and unconditionally. As an expression of this passion, Sri Amma Bhagavan wrote many years ago this sutra (meaning: mantra verse) called the Liberation Sutra.

This Sutra you can find recorded and sung by Oneness Being Narasimha Kumarji from the Oneness University’s own Music Studio.

You can also find a deeply meditative version of this Liberation Sutra recorded and sung by Anette in the CD “Presence of Grace”.

Below is a description and explanation of the mantra.

Liberation Sutra:

Moksho Nama jeevasya vimukthihi, yethasmaath
Indriyaanaam vimukthihi, yethasmaath
Ahankaaraat vimukthihi, yethasmaath
Manaso vimukthihi, yethasmaath
Gnayatasya bandhaat vimukthihi, yethasmaath
Samskruter bandhaat vimukthihi, yethasmaath
Samajasya bandhaat vimukthihi, yethasmaath
Karmanos bandhaat vimukthihi,
Ithi satyameva Satyam Satyam
Ithi satyameva Satyam Satyam
Ithi satyameva Satyam Satyam

English translation:

Awakening is…

Liberation of life
Liberation of the senses
Liberation from the self
Liberation from the mind
Liberation from knowledge
Liberation from conditionings
Liberation from society
Liberation from work

This is the truth.



Moksho Nama Jeevasya Vimukthihi Yethasmaath
Indriyaanaam Vimukthihi Yethasmaath
Ahankaaraat Vimukthihi Yethasmaath
Manaso Vimukthihi Yethasmaath
Gnyatasya Bandhaat Vimukthihi Yethasmaath
Samskruter Bandhaat Vimukthihi Yethasmaath
Samajasya Bandhaat Vimukthihi Yethasmaath
Karmano Bandhaat Vimukthihi
Ithy Satyam Satyameva Satyam
Ithy Satyam Satyameva Satyam
Ithy Satyam Satyameva Satyam




Oneness Courses 合一课程

To attend 2-Day Oneness Awakening Course (OAC), Stress Detox 2-Day classical spiritual experienceor “The Beautiful State” 2-Day workshop (all are able to be initiated as "Deeksha giver" or "Oneness Blessing giver"), and other Oneness activities in Singapore, please refer to our Facebook Events and the following Meetup Groups in Singapore for more details:
请查询我们的 Facebook Events 和以下各 Meetup 网站有关在新加坡的两天合一觉醒课程两天压力排毒课程或两天美好状态课程(皆会被点化成为“合一祝福给予者”或“合一祝福传导师”)与其他合一的活动详情:

Currently, the Sacred Chambers (A Sacred Space for Healing and Spiritual Transformation) in Singapore is ready in the Indian community but still not ready in non-Indian community. Anyone who is interested to attend the Indian Sacred Chambers process (with Indian cultural ceremony which is different from non-Indian process) pls look out for next event posted on Oneness (Singapore) 新加坡合一 Facebook Events website, or you may contact directly to Silvy ji.

Oneness Courses conducted by O&O Academy (merging of Oneness University with One World Academy in 2017), India:
印度 O&O 学院(合一大学与一世界学院于2017年合并)课程:

For registration to Being Limitless (BL) or any Oneness Courses or events conducted locally in Singapore, or near Singapore, pls refer to the contact info posted in the respective facebook event pages:
Oneness (Singapore) 新加坡合一 Facebook Events

For courses conducted in O&O Academy, India:
Pls submit your online application 线上课程报名 directly from the O&O Academy website stated above for the respective courses, and remember to choose your country as "Singapore", so that your local coordinator (Li Leng in Singapore or Shui Shui in JB, Malaysia) will be notified and they will arrange with you for further registration procedure. You are advised to email your local coordinator at oneness.sg2014@gmail.com or info1nesssingapore@gmail.com upon your online application submission if you still do not have any reply after online application.

There is an admin charge (approx. S$0~$99) for each application. You may choose to donate your admin fees to The Divine Spark 神聖火花 upon your return from India.

Pls submit all your application at least 21 days before each course start date. (All dates include arrival and departure days)

For VISA application, please refer to High Commission of India in Singapore for latest information. For e-Tourist Visa (eTV) scheme application process, please refer to High Commission of India in Singapore Visa Services or Indian e-Tourist Visa for latest information.
Alternatively, may also apply visa directly at Mustafa Air Travel Pte Ltd (5 Verdun Road #01-02/03, SPA Building, Singapore 207274, nearer to Mustafa Centre exit 3).
During the visa application at the agency, applicant will be directed, using the computer provided, to fill up the particulars online, and the following info is required for submission of the 6-month Multiple Entry Tourist Visa application:

Local Contact: Narasimha Kumarji
Local Address: Varadaiahpalem, Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh - 517 541, India
Phone: +91-9000-99-0894

for Singapore passport, requires: 1 photo, fees $55, 2 working days (on June 2014, increased to: $60, 4~5 working days);
for Malaysia passport, requires: 1 photo, fees $105, photocopy of Singapore PR NRIC, 5 working days or more. (on June 2014, increased to: $110, 11 days~2 weeks)
(information correct as at September 2013, pls prepare extra photos & $ just in case any new change)

Pls remember to bring along extra photocopy of your passport & VISA when you are in Oneness University. Other useful items are: umbrella, yoga mat or seating cushion. [click here for info on Campus Guidelines & Travel Information]
[click here for more info on Campus Guidelines & Travel Information consolidated by OnenessUSA.Org]

For transport arrangement upon arrival at Chennai Airport, please refer to 'Travel Information' website of Oneness University. Tip of 100 rupees per passenger, would be paid to the taxi driver in addition to the transport payment.

Upon arrival at Chennai Airport, please declare yourself as tourist (do not mention anything about attending course because the immigration may refuse your entry for unable to produce a student visa).
Address to be filled in your immigration entry card (choose anyone):
- Century Garden Hotel, No 3/98 Century Bulding, Mettu Street, St Thomas Mount, Near St Thomas Mount Church, Chennai , 600016, Tel: +91 908751 5566, 044-4356 8344
- Green Park Hotel, N.S.K. Salai, Arcot Road, Vadapalani, Chennai , Tamil Nadu 600026, Tel: +91 44 6651 5151 
(you also need to fill in this address at Chennai Airport Immigration counter when you are about to leave India returning to Singapore)
Standard answer to the immigration officer for "Where are you visiting?":
Your answer: Mamallapulam, Pondicherry, Shiva Temple,... for Puja (prayer ritual)

Upon arrival at Oneness University, proceed to OU office directly to check-in at reception counter for getting a room number first before joining the queue for course registration subsequently. Pay attention to the white board in office for further instructions.

Visit our facebook Oneness University photo album website to see the photos and all the comments in each photo (e.g. cost of WIFI cards, what is homa? estimated cost of each homa, what airline to book? etc), to estimate the amount of cash to bring before you go Oneness University in India: