17 April 2013

Chakra Dhyana 脉轮静心

The Oneness Chakra Meditation (Chakra Dhyana 脉轮静心)
(for practice alone or in group 单独一人或集体静心)

Chakras are energy centres in the pranic body or the energy body. The human organism comprises not merely the gross physical body but several other sheaths like the mind, karma, wisdom and bliss. These sheaths are what are referred to as koshas by the Indian seers. Among these sheaths is the sheath of prana or energy which comprises of the various chakras, nadis (energy channels). The latent spiritual energy, known as kundalini flows through these chakras and nadis, thereby making them vibrant. The flow of energy in this sheath affects all the other sheaths thereby resulting in a healthy body and mind, the result of which is bliss and peace.

These chakras and nadis get defiled due to wrong lifestyles and eating habits and also due to the burden of erroneous perceptions and negative karma. This disturbance affects an individual physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Negative thought patterns create negative situations in life. So, Chakra Dhyana is not merely a sadhana to activate the subtle dimensions but it also assists in creating a healthier mind which is imperative for a happy and healthy life.

7 main chakras in our body
mystical diagrams (symbol) of 7 chakras (Yantra) 脉轮符号 

(The Root Chakra)
4 petalled Lotus, red in colour. Kundalini, the golden serpent is coiled 3 ½ times around linga in the center.

Perinium (midway between the genitals and the anus)

Element: Earth

It is the base for awakening the kundalini – the life energy

Related organs: Kidneys & Bladder

Mudra: index fingertips touching the tip of each thumb
Mantra: Lang
Focus: Perineal region

(The Sacral Chakra)
6 petalled Lotus, orange in colour, with a blue crescent moon inside.

Genital region (tip of the spine bone)

Element: Water

Increase self control and sensitivity

Related organs: Uterus, Testis, Prostate and Large intestine

Mudra: index fingertips touching the tip of each thumb
Mantra: Vang
Focus: Genital region

(The Navel Chakra / Solar Plexus )
脐轮 /
10 petalled Lotus, bright yellow in colour, with a blazing fire (Jataragni) in the center.

At the Navel

Element: Fire

Awakens intensity and passion, essential for sound health and physical power.

Related organs: Stomach, Liver, Spleen and Small intestine.

Mudra: index fingertips touching the middle joint of each thumb
Mantra: Rang
Focus: Solar Plexus region (or Navel region)

(The Heart Chakra)
12 petalled Lotus, green in colour with a bright glowing Jyothi (Golden flame) in the center.

At the center of the chest

Element: Air

Centre of feeling.

Related organs: Heart

Mudra: index fingertips touching the middle joint of each thumb
Mantra: Yang
Focus: Heart

(The Throat Chakra)
16 petalled Lotus, dark blue in colour, with a blue crescent and a Jyothi (light) in it.

At the Epiglottis (Adam’s apple in the throat)

Element: Cosmos (Space)

Evokes surrender, Sacredness, opens up mystical dimension.

Related organs: Throat, Lungs.

Mudra: index fingertips touching the base of the thumb
Mantra: Hang
Focus: Throat

(The Third Eye  Chakra)
2 petalled Lotus, with the sun and moon on the right and left petals respectively with a blue ling in the middle. (Indigo)

At the Eyebrow center (Bhrumadhya)

Element: Cosmos (Space)

Centre where the solar and lunar energies synchronise, essential for the flowering of intelligence and awareness, increases memory and concentration.

Related organs: Eyes, (Areas of lower head and sinuses)

Mudra: index fingertips touching the base of the thumb
Mantra: Aum (A-A-A-O-O-M)
Focus: between eyebrows

(The Crown Chakra)

Thousand petalled Lotus, violet in colour with a bright golden Jyothirlinga in the center.

Crown of the Head

Element: Cosmos (Space)

Flowering of this chakra leads to a state of complete union with the Cosmic consciousness.

Related organs: Brain

Mudra: index fingertips touching the base of the thumb
Mantra: Ogum Satyam Om
Focus: Crown

Chakra Dhyana has there steps to it i.e., concentrating on the mystical diagrams of the chakras (Yantra), Uttering of mystical syllables to activate the chakras (Mantra) and the right seating posture (Asana). The placement of the fingers is also important.  The ideal mudra is to touch the base line of the thumb with the index finger and the ideal asana is Siddhasan. Sitting comfortably in Siddhasan and facing the fingers in the above mentioned mudra with palms facing skywards near the knees, one has to visualize the respective chakras with closed eyes and utter the bija mantra of that chakra. This chanting can be done for seven or nine times or eighteen times. Daily practice of Chakra Dhyana this way help activate the chakras. The activation of those chakras also have a physical counterpart i.e. various regions in the brain are simulated leading to a more holistic view towards life. The kundalini energy awakens and flows through these chakras energizes the physical body. Chakras activation is also supported through specific fragrance for each chakras. During meditation you could also light the Chakras incense Sticks, which will help in the awakening of Kundalini.

www.tudou.com/programs/view/yYTWz4JWukg (点击)
www.tudou.com/listplay/xDcKK54q1s8/kiJwM5C-Igs.html (点击)

respective Mantra (咒语) & mudra (手印) for each Chakras (脉轮)

Meditation Instructions:
Sit with your eyes closed, spine erect but not rigid
Rest your hands on your thighs with palms facing upwards,
index fingertips:
touching the tip of each thumb for the first two chakras,
touching the middle joint of each thumb for the third & fourth chakras
and the base of the thumb for the fifth, sixth & seventh chakras.
If you wish you may touch the tip of the tongue to the roof of your mouth.
Take several long, slow, easy deep breaths breathing through your nose, until your body becomes calm.
Sit during this meditation but do not lean or lie down.
As we come to each chakra, focus your attention on the indicated area of your body. With each exhale chant the mantra that is given in a slow, elongated fashion.
Begin with the root chakra (Mooladhara) and work upward to the Crown (Sahasrara).
At the end always allow the energy to ground, flowing down through your body, and spend a few minutes in meditation or lie on your back in shavasan.

1. Begin with the Mooladhara chakra, located at the perineum, midway between your anus and genitals.
Say "Om Mooladhara".
Visualize its red color. Slowly repeat "Lang" (pronounced lung) for a few minutes, typically 7 times (can also be 3, 5, 9, 11 or 21 times)
then visualize the chakra turning liquid gold (imagine a golden fluid flooding the chakra) as you say "OM" once, followed by "Kundalini, arohanum" 3 times typically.

2. The Swadhisthana chakra, located in the genital region or at the base of the spine.
Say "Om Swadhisthana".
Visualize its orange color. Say "Vang" (pronounced vung) for a few minutes, typically 7 times (can also be 3, 5, 9, 11 or 21 times)
then visualize the chakra turning liquid gold (imagine a golden fluid flooding the chakra) as you say "OM" once, followed by "Kundalini, arohanum" 3 times typically.

3. The Manipura chakra, located at the navel or the solar plexus
Say "Om Sri Mani Padme Hum".
Visualize its yellow color. Say "Rang" (pronounced rung) for a few minutes, typically 7 times (can also be 3, 5, 9, 11 or 21 times)
then visualize the chakra turning liquid gold (imagine a golden fluid flooding the chakra) as you say "OM" once, followed by "Kundalini, arohanum" 3 times typically.

4. The Anahata chakra, in the center of your chest, your spiritual heart.
Say "Om Anahata".
Visualize its green color. Say "Yang" (pronounced yung) for a few minutes, typically 7 times (can also be 3, 5, 9, 11 or 21 times)
then visualize the chakra turning liquid gold (imagine a golden fluid flooding the chakra) as you say "OM" once, followed by "Kundalini, arohanum" 3 times typically.

5. The Vishuddhi chakra, located in your throat, at the Adam's apple or the epiglottis.
Say "Om Vishuddhi".
Visualize its blue color. Say "Hang" (pronounced hung) for a few minutes, typically 7 times (can also be 3, 5, 9, 11 or 21 times)
then visualize the chakra turning liquid gold (imagine a golden fluid flooding the chakra) as you say "OM" once, followed by "Kundalini, arohanum" 3 times typically.

6. The Ajneya chakra, located between our eyebrows.
Say "Om Ajneya".
Visualize its indigo color. Say "AUM" in a 3-2-1 ratio. "A-A-A-O-O-M" for a few minutes, typically 7 times (can also be 3, 5, 9, 11 or 21 times)
then visualize the chakra turning liquid gold (imagine a golden fluid flooding the chakra) as you say "OM" once, followed by "Kundalini, arohanum" 3 times typically.

7. The Sahasrara chakra, located at the center of the top of your head.
Say "Om Sahasrara".
Visualize its violet color, pastel purple.
Say "Ogum Satyam Om" for a few minutes, typically 7 times (can also be 3, 5, 9, 11 or 21 times)
then visualize the chakra turning liquid gold (imagine a golden fluid flooding the chakra) as you say "OM" once, followed by "Kundalini, arohanum" 3 times typically (sometime 7 times because of the last chakra).

Lie Down in Shavasan

Lie down with your eyes closed immediately after the meditation, and relax for at least 10 or 20 minutes, or as long as you like. Yoga's Corpse Pose, Shavasan, is good for this (eyes closed, on your back with arms loosely to the sides, palms up, legs slightly apart). Let go. Enjoy. Notice the dynamics of the energy in your body as the kundalini flows.
