The Oneness Blessing, through Grace, is a direct transfer of intelligent sacred energy which causes the heart to open, heals relationships, calms the mind, transforms to higher states of Consciousness and initiates a process of Awakening into Oneness where there is no longer a sense of separateness. All that remains is the awareness of reality as it is — the joy of being fully present in the moment. Whatever path of spiritual awakening you are on will be supported. This gift is for all of us, no matter our belief systems.

透过静心、呼吸、内观内省、觉察、古老的静心技巧、肢体的活动、Deeksha (合一祝福)、合一的教导等,让知识、讯息进入个人的体验,使所有的教导都能成为你真实的经验,使你在短时间内提升与蛻变,感受到爱与合一的存在。

Oneness is a phenomenon, not affiliated with any religious or spiritual belief.


“Deeksha” in Sanskrit means benediction. Deeksha Oneness Blessing has been brought to the world at this time of transformation through Divine Grace and is being given to humanity by the twin avatars of enlightenment Sri Bhagavan and Sri Amma out of the Oneness University in India as a catalyst for the awakening of human consciousness.

It is not something that can really be put into words. It has to be experienced.

17 April 2013

Gratitude Meditation 感恩静心

Gratitude Meditation 感恩静心
(for practice alone or in group 单独一人或集体静心)

Gratitude is the highest expression of emotion in humans as it signifies the evolution of one's consciousness ... Sri Bhagavan.

Welcome to the beautiful state of gratitude. What is gratitude? Why gratitude? How do you awaken to it?

Gratitude is certainly not an attitude alone. For when it limits itself to an attitude, it is shallow and a mere cosmetic. Gratitude is a state of consciousness in which you celebrate life.

Without gratitude life is meaningless and lonely. You feel poor in the midst of plenty. And in my experience gratitude is the easiest way to arrive at love. As you nurture gratitude, you feel a deeper sense of connection with people and life itself.

You awaken to gratitude when you see the interconnection of life. If we can reflect on our life, our learning, our comfort and our joy we can see that every one of these beautiful experiences has been made possible by the efforts and the love of so many people who care for us and also by people whom we will never know and never meet. Without them we are not. No experience in our life is independent of the other. There is not a moment, not a thing that we could say has been created by us alone. And we certainly have not created ourselves. Nor have we risen to greatness because of our efforts alone.

In realizing the interconnection of our existence gratitude moves beyond our lips, beyond our conditioned minds to a space so deep in our consciousness, that every moment spent in this awareness transforms you.

1. Please sit in a comfortable position. Hold a soft smile on your face like a baby that smiles in its sleep. Breathe in slow and deep. Feel a gradual softening as your breath becomes slower and longer.
2. Hold in your consciousness any one person who has lovingly nurtured you in your childhood. It could be a parent, a member of family, a neighbour or even a pet. Thank that person or that being for the nourishment you have received. Thank them for being a part of your life. Wish for their well being.
3. In your consciousness hold any one person who has inspired you to being a better human being or has inspired you on to the path of greater wisdom and love. Thank them for being a part of your life. Wish for their well being.
4.Hold within you one person who made you feel wanted and loved. Thank that person for being in your life. wish for their well being.
5. Hold in your consciousness one person who is contributing to your prosperity and growth. Thank that person for being in your life. wish for their well being.
6. Feel mother earth. Feel her in your heart. Thank her for sustaining and upholding your existence.
In this state connect to the Presence, the source or the universe. Feel connected to the eternal flow of life of which we are all a part.

You may slowly open your eyes whenever you are ready.

This is a season for gratitude. Please take a few moments and write a letter to any one person today about how much they have impacted you and made your life more beautiful by their presence. If you choose to, you may show them your thankfulness through an act of love or kindness. If they are not alive to receive your thanks, pay it forward to someone else.

Have a beautiful day and a beautiful life.
Thank you

Gratitude Meditation (English version):

(guided by Preethaji, co-founder of O&O Academy)

Preethaji 帶領 / Teresa翻譯 /phoebe協助

歡迎來到美麗的狀態——感恩。何謂感恩? 為何感恩? 你要如何覺醒於感恩?
















more info on Gratitude Meditation 感恩静心:

1 comment:

  1. I like the Chinese version very much.. bring me lots of peace n love....but now the video changed to private ~not available anymore.. anyone has ? Pls email me at thanks !
