The Oneness Blessing, through Grace, is a direct transfer of intelligent sacred energy which causes the heart to open, heals relationships, calms the mind, transforms to higher states of Consciousness and initiates a process of Awakening into Oneness where there is no longer a sense of separateness. All that remains is the awareness of reality as it is — the joy of being fully present in the moment. Whatever path of spiritual awakening you are on will be supported. This gift is for all of us, no matter our belief systems.

透过静心、呼吸、内观内省、觉察、古老的静心技巧、肢体的活动、Deeksha (合一祝福)、合一的教导等,让知识、讯息进入个人的体验,使所有的教导都能成为你真实的经验,使你在短时间内提升与蛻变,感受到爱与合一的存在。

Oneness is a phenomenon, not affiliated with any religious or spiritual belief.


“Deeksha” in Sanskrit means benediction. Deeksha Oneness Blessing has been brought to the world at this time of transformation through Divine Grace and is being given to humanity by the twin avatars of enlightenment Sri Bhagavan and Sri Amma out of the Oneness University in India as a catalyst for the awakening of human consciousness.

It is not something that can really be put into words. It has to be experienced.

17 April 2013

Soul Sync Meditation 灵魂同步静心

Soul Sync Meditation 灵魂同步静心(又名力量静心)
(for practice alone or in group 单独一人或集体静心)

Enter Your Sacred Space
The Soul Sync
A powerful daily Meditation to Manifest your Heartfelt Intentions

Preethaji- Co-Founder of O&O Academy, has created this simple meditation practice to help us awaken to a beautiful inner state, expand our consciousness & manifest our intentions.

The Soul Sync Meditation is more than a meditation. It is entering a sacred space within.

This meditation practice leads you into an expansive state of consciousness, where intentions become actualities. Heart-felt desires are fulfilled. Life converges into synchronicities manifesting an abundance of love, wealth, creativity and well-being of every kind.

Practised every day, it lifts you off the gravity of life's burdens and leads you into a state of harmonious flow.

The Great Soul Sync Meditation is created  with the intent to:
– Help you move into a beautiful state of being and;
– To manifest your intentions (create synchronicities in your life).

O&O學院創辦人Preetha ji帶來不可思議的靈性禮物。透過Preethaji的指導,你若練習這些靜心,將體驗到在稠密生活裡的寧靜和在最具挑戰的時光裡的魔法。




Soul Sync has 6 stages:

Stage 1: Eight cycles of conscious breathing. (One cycle means one in-breath and one out-breath)
Sit in a comfortable position, with your spine erect.
Place your hands on your thighs with your palms facing skywards.
Gently touch the tip of your index finger and the tip of your thumb together for the first cycle of breath. On each exhalation, move your thumb to the next finger (so for the second breath you touch the tip of your thumb and the tip of your middle finger together, for the third exhalation touch the thumb and the ring finger, on the fourth exhalation touch the thumb and the little finger – on the fifth exhalation you start over touching the thumb and the index finger again and then continue to touch each fingertip until you have done 8 cycles of breathing)
When you breathe out, let your exhalation be longer than the inhalation. Ideally the exhalation should be twice as long as the inhalation, but do not force yourself to achieve a perfect breathing. Stay with your awareness on your breathing and relax into the experience.

Stage 2: Again there will be 8 cycles of breathing as in the previous step. You keep count on the cycles by moving your thumb between each finger’s tip just as you did in step 1.
But in this step you will make a humming sound on each exhalation. You keep your lips closed and hum like a bee when you exhale (mmmmmmmm…….). Your hum should be strong enough to cause a slight vibration in your head. Stay with your awareness on the sound and vibration.

Stage 3: Again there will be 8 cycles of breathing as in the previous step. However in this stage you will observe the tiny pause that occurs between the in-breath and out-breath. After inhalation, observe the very minute pause before the exhalation begins. Don’t try to force this pause by holding your breath. Just let the breathing be natural and see if you can observe this tiny pause 8 times.

Stage 4: Again 8 cycles of breathing. On each exhalation you will internally chant “A-HAM” (or “I AM”, “A-HAM” is the sanskrit word for “I AM”). You don’t need to say it out loud, just chant inwardly.
When you chant “A-HAM” it means “I AM this limitless consciousness”. You are not the limited self. You are the limitless field of consciousness. With this understanding, you will chant “A-HAM” 8 times.

Stage 5: You do not need to keep count of your breaths from now on. Just keep the tip of your thumb and the tip of your index finger together and feel that you are dissolving into the limitless field of energy. See and/or feel that you are expanding and becoming vast. There are no limits as you dissolve into the field of consciousness.

Stage 6: Hold one intention. The intention is either to fulfill any one of your desires or the solution of any one problem you may have.
When you hold the intention for fulfillment of a desire, you see the outcome of your desire. You don’t see the unfulfilled situation, only the fulfilled condition.
If you hold an intention to solve a certain problem, then you see the transformed situation. Not the problematic situation, but the solved situation.
As you see the fulfilled condition or the solved situation, feel the joy inside.

Whenever you are ready you may open your eyes.

Soul Sync (English version):
(guided by Preethaji, co-founder of O&O Academy)



4.吐氣同时唱誦在心裡面“Aham…” (“啊汉”)8次。手指尖計數。(“Aham”:如是我)



more info on Soul Sync Meditation 灵魂同步静心:

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